What Is The Child’s Best Interest Standard and Why Is It Important?

August 16, 2021

One of the most important jobs of the court when presiding over a divorce case is constructing the best plan for the minor children. In this context, this means that the custody decisions must keep the children’s “best interests” at the forefront of any decision related to their welfare.  Children have an intrinsic right to be happy, feel protected, and experience emotional, mental, and physical health. They also have the right to participate in the lives of both of their […]

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Types of Child Custody Arrangements in New Jersey

January 21, 2018

Child custody can be an extremely complicated issue for both parents going through a divorce and parents who are unmarried in New Jersey. Most parents do not realize that physical and legal child custody are actually considered separately, and that child custody agreement may also impact other factors such as child support and parenting time. With this in mind, our Passaic County attorneys will be discussing available child custody arrangements and what impact that has on co-parents. If you have any questions or […]

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