Child Abuse and Custody Keeping Your Child Safe

December 14, 2020

Our Little Falls Family Lawyers Define Abuse and Neglect and How to Protect the Child One of the most horrific images a parent can imagine is their child being abused. Unfortunately, in Passaic County and the state of New Jersey every day there are children who are forced to live in abusive and neglectful domestic situations. Sadly, in many cases, a current or estranged spouse may not recognize the presence of abuse or neglect when it comes to their child. […]

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Your NJ Divorce from Case Management to Discovery

December 10, 2020

Allow our Passaic County Divorce Lawyers to guide you down the road of divorce and help build a new future. In the last article of our New Jersey divorce series, we discussed contested vs. uncontested divorces and the relevance of this distinction when determining the path that is best suited for your divorce proceedings. We delineated among the various venues available to you as you undergo the divorce process, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, collaborative divorce, and the traditional litigation route. […]

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Woodland Park Divorce Lawyers Discuss Three Steps in Determining Equitable Distribution

March 7, 2019

There are many complications that can come with any divorce. Without a doubt, the equitable distribution of property, as well as any wealth that has been accrued during a marriage, is one of the most often argued and regularly contested issues. Put simply equitable distribution in a divorce is the division of marital assets in a manner that is considered fair but not necessarily equal. Being that New Jersey is an equitable distribution state, in the event of a divorce, […]

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When to Use Child Testimony in Passaic County Custody Cases

January 9, 2019

Child custody is often one of most hard-fought battles waged in family law courts in situations of divorce or separation. Parents often have strong opinions about what is best for their children and will fight hard to make sure their child or children are protected. It is common during these court battles for parents to use all resources at their disposal to help achieve their goals. Testimony from friends, family, medical professionals, and therapists can all help a parent to […]

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Domestic Violence and Divorce

December 10, 2018

Domestic violence damages the lives of an estimated four million people every year–the vast majority of them women.  Domestic violence impacts not only the victim but children, relatives and friends as well. There are studies that show that violence occurs at least once in as many as two-thirds of all marriages. Moreover, Roughly 40% of all physically abused children have also witnessed physical violence between their parents. If you or someone you know is currently involved in an abusive relationship, divorce […]

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