Key Information to Keep in Mind When Establishing Paternity in NJ

January 7, 2022

Establishing paternity in New Jersey begins the path that further determines a child’s parental relationships and benefits. Parents are legally responsible for the health and welfare of their children whether or not they are in a relationship together. By demonstrating or refuting paternity, the courts can thereby determine who will be obligated to see to their care and education. Determining paternity is a process that can be complicated when the child’s father refuses to accept responsibility. It is best to […]

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Divorcing with a Special Needs Child in NJ

October 5, 2021

How Having a Special Needs Child can Impact Your Divorce Case Divorce is an unfortunate reality for many couples who have exhausted all efforts to salvage their respective marriages. Those in the middle of a divorce or at the beginning stages, know that there are countless things to consider in making critical decisions that will ultimately impact their futures. Couples with a child who has special needs, face issues that are more complex and require careful consideration. A Divorce lawyer […]

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What Divorced & Unmarried Co-Parents Need to Know About Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

August 25, 2021

Are you divorced, unmarried, or co-parenting and wondering which parent can claim the advance Child Care Tax payments in New Jersey? The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 is the sixth federal COVID-19 relief bill and it provides direct economic support to the American people in an effort to combat the financial impact the COVID pandemic has had on the country. To help families with children, the initiative expands the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for the tax year 2021 […]

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Can Incarceration Be Cause to Modify or Terminate Child Support?

May 13, 2019

Child Support Lawyers Assist Clients in Little Falls, Woodland Park, Wayne, Paterson and across Passaic and Essex Counties In New Jersey and across the United States, child support obligations are one of the primary issues dealt with by family law courts when a marriage or relationship ends between people who have children, whether it be my consensual agreement or court order. However, after the entry of a child support obligation, there are several situations or circumstances that can occur that […]

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