Dealing With Child Custody Amid Teenager’s Preferences

December 15, 2023

Navigating Late Adolescence in Divorced Families Entails Balancing Teenagers’ Desire for Independence with the Need for Direction and a Fair Custody Agreement for the Parties Involved Divorced parents frequently struggle when their children enter late adolescence. Teenagers are challenging, and as they transition into young adults, they want their freedom as they decide about career and college opportunities. Between ages 15 and 17, they want to make more decisions independently and associate more with their peers. Parents still have to […]

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Financial Hurdles and Their Implications on Child Custody

December 5, 2023

Our Family Lawyers Help You Deal with Financial Challenges Seeking to Protect Your Custody Rights in Passaic County, NJ Child custody is a term used for the legal arrangement between parents who have separated regarding with whom the child will live, for what periods, and who will have the decision-making power for the child. There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to where the child will live, and legal custody determines who will make the […]

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Is It Legal to Know Who My Child Spends Time With and Where?

September 19, 2023

Outlining the Right to Know the Location and Company of Your Children and the Role of a Clear Custody Agreement in Your Case in Passaic County NJ Parenting, filled with its rewards, challenges, joys, frustrations, tenderness, boundaries, and relationships, is not effortless but absolutely one of the most profound and transformative experiences one can have in a lifetime. However, not all parenthood journeys, approaches to parenting, and parenting configurations are the same. The U.S. Census Bureau released estimates indicating 10.9 […]

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Unique Challenges of Divorce with a Child with Autism

September 14, 2023

If You Have a Child with Autism, Make Sure Custody Arrangements and Structured Parenting Agreements Are Properly Drafted with the Help of our Experienced Family Law Attorneys Autism is a developmental difference in people caused by neurodivergence or differences in a person’s brain development. People on the autism spectrum are characterized by differences in social behavior, difficulties in social communication and interaction, diverse learning styles, and different interests. Autistic children are gifts to the world; their neurodivergence creates an outside-of-the-social-paradigms […]

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What to Know about Liberal and Reasonable Visitation Arrangements in NJ

August 14, 2023

If Parents Handle a Reasonable And Liberal Visitation Agreement Properly, They Can Avoid the Complexities of Inflexible Schedules and Tight Deadlines in New Jersey. Not all divorced parents find creating a custody agreement acrimonious.  They can work with each other to create a flexible format ordained by the court, which allows them to iron out the specifics based on their work and social schedules.  Typically, the parent with physical custody more frequently controls the schedule as they are more familiar […]

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