The Centerpiece of Superior Court: Family Part Law, As Evidenced in a Relocation Ruling

August 20, 2021

Navigating raising a child with a co-parent is a challenging thing. Whether or not you get along with your child’s other parent, the nuances of shared parental time are tricky to master. The New Jersey Superior Court: Family Part exists to provide a solid legal container within which to operate so that the parents have a framework from which to operate, and the children’s best interests are always kept at the center. One recent example of the Superior Court: Family […]

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What Is The Child’s Best Interest Standard and Why Is It Important?

August 16, 2021

One of the most important jobs of the court when presiding over a divorce case is constructing the best plan for the minor children. In this context, this means that the custody decisions must keep the children’s “best interests” at the forefront of any decision related to their welfare.  Children have an intrinsic right to be happy, feel protected, and experience emotional, mental, and physical health. They also have the right to participate in the lives of both of their […]

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What Happens When Co-Parents Disagree About Summer Camp?

August 12, 2020

Co-Parenting Issues Attorney Serving Monmouth and Ocean County NJ The closing of schools this year caused family routines to be radically changed.  As businesses and events begin again, summer camp is a welcomed change from the cooped-up months behind us.  Some co-parents disagree about whether or not summer day camp is a good idea due to heightened COVID-19 concerns, sending a child to camp for any length of time right now may seem like an unnecessary risk. As always when […]

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Preparing Your Coronavirus Co-Parenting Plan For the Road Ahead

June 29, 2020

Across the country, divorced parents are struggling with difficult decisions regarding the custody agreement which was put in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shelter-in-place orders, regional lockdown, and ever-present health concerns have forced parents to modify their usual custody schedules and rewrite routines. When the relationship is amicable, changes go relatively smoothly. In other cases where parents are estranged, improvisation has necessitated the support of qualified divorce attorneys. Opening old wounds can make things even more stressful and an […]

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