Domestic Violence Act and Blended Family Structure Attorneys Passaic County NJ

September 29, 2020

NJ Half-Siblings Who Grew Up in Blended Family, Qualify As Household Members Under New Flexible & Expanded Definition of Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (PDVA) As a result of the recent Monmouth County, NJ court decision in the matter of  S.C. v. J.D., the family court slightly expanded the definition of a “household member” under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act” (PVDA) and who may be considered a “victim” to obtain a restraining order, to reflect the ever-changing dynamics of […]

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Are you or a loved one in an abusive relationship? Let our Domestic Violence Attorneys help today

January 17, 2020

Divorce, Domestic Violence, and Restraining Order Attorneys helping clients in Little Falls, Wayne, Paterson, and across Passaic County and Northern, NJ. It may not be easy to identify if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or is in an unhealthy and abusive relationship. Violence and abuse are experienced in many different ways, across genders and sexual orientations, and all walks of life. It can be difficult to know what to do. A victim is never to blame for […]

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