Protecting Estate Rights When Wills, Prenups and Divorce Converge

November 6, 2024

A comprehensive guide to estate planning and prenuptial agreements in New Jersey. Learn how these legal tools interact, especially concerning divorce and death. When planning a life together, couples consider their financial and personal resources when facing significant life events. Though no one plans for divorce or death when they draft a prenuptial agreement or a will, both of those life events will trigger legal questions about the validity and effect of those documents. Understanding the roles of these legal […]

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Religious Traditions and Their Impact on Prenuptial Contracts in New Jersey

July 15, 2024

Religious customs can sometimes conflict with the legal realities of marriage, leading to complex negotiations and unique clauses in prenuptial and marital agreements. The institution of marriage is a significant event in the vast majority of religions around the world. Each religion has their own version of a marriage ceremony, as well as their own traditions. Religious traditions, many times, are taken more seriously than the law of the land. These traditions can dictate who you marry, when you get […]

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Don’t Be Blindsided by Divorce: Ensure Fair Alimony with a NJ Prenup

May 9, 2024

When Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement, It Is Essential to Include Alimony Provisions to Protect Assets and Ensure Financial Support After Divorce in New Jersey The ring fits like a glove, and the wedding preparations are underway.  But while going to cake tastings and renting the tuxedos, consider the importance of a prenuptial agreement. Not only can it protect the assets of each soon-to-be spouse, but it can include a plan for alimony.   In New Jersey, spousal support, maintenance, and alimony […]

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Revealing the Truth Behind Prenuptial Agreement Misunderstandings

October 15, 2023

Explore the Most Common Falsehoods About Prenuptial Agreements with Our Attorneys to Make an Informed Decision for Your Situation in Northern New Jersey. Prenuptial agreements are an often misunderstood aspect of some marriages. Many common beliefs about what prenuptial agreements are and what they mean do not align with their real purpose and function. A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a legal contract established by a couple before their wedding, outlining the ownership of specific assets in written form; this […]

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What Makes Prenups So Attractive To Millennials in New Jersey?

March 10, 2023

Handling Prenuptial Agreements from a Millennial Perspective in New Jersey Millennials, also known as Gen Y, are a generation born between 1981 and 1996. Today they are from 26 to 41 years of age. Their name comes from the fact that the first to graduate from high school did so in the year 2000, the new millennium. They are the children of baby boomers and late Generation Xers.  They are often characterized as technologically savvy, socially conscious, and diverse but […]

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